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Little Town of...

Kathy and I had the opportunity to participate in the “Rockin Round the Christmas Tree” event sponsored by Union City Pride/Action this past weekend. It was a wonderful event involving all of the downtown businesses, many organizations and individuals. The Buzz of UC Café handed out our delicious Hot Chocolate, Kathy’s own recipe, and fresh baked sugar cookies to over 250 people! Main street was bustling with people during the event. It was great to see so many people out taking part in the festivities which culminated in Santa’s arrival and the lighting of the town’s very own giant Christmas tree! Considering this was the first time in many, many years a holiday event like this has been undertaken it went very well. Sure, there are always things to improve upon and the planners are probably already discussing the tweaks to be made for next year. We can’t wait!

If you played the trivia last week and were wondering what the correct answers were, here you go…

1) 13 2) Losing 3) Decent single family housing 4) UC Borough, UC Pride, UC Community Foundation 5) Any of the ideas shared in “It takes a village…” 6) 4,000 7) Any blog title 8) Community Growth is Important 9) Follow our page & Like, comment and share our posts 10) Any menu item

Thank you to all of those that participated. We hope to see you soon in the café! Stop on in for a conversation over a coffee or other favorite beverage right here in the little town of Union City 😊

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